7 thoughts on “Relocation Phil Down Under S02E02 AdelaideHD

  1. UnitSe7en

    Wow, that Lisa needs to frikkin’ let up and let her husband have an easy
    damn commute to work so he can keep paying for her fat ass instead of being
    all “ME ME ME I WANT TO LIVE BY THE BEACH I DON’T CARE” Crikey, bitch.

  2. Helmut Acosta Arrue

    It depends of what are you into. I love the beach, the perfect weather,
    even when it’s stormy, the parks and wildlife, the pristine river and the
    wineries, sorry but there is nothing better for me than Oz.

  3. Meg Reilly

    The sun, if you like it might be worth the move down under, I am sorry but
    here in Canada we do have Grizzly Bears and they will kill you, not to
    mention lots of snow but in Oz there are so many things that will put an
    end to your life in paradise…Sharks of course but worst of all
    Crocodiles. Blue Ringed octopus are found in rock pools and they will kill
    you in 2 hours. 100 venomous snakes. Most deadliest spiders on the planet.
    Box Jelly Fish will cause death and or disfigurement in a very painful way.
    There is a large stroppy bird called a Cassowari that will try and kick you
    to death. There is even a snail that is dangerous called a Conus Sea snail.
    Let’s not forget Wombats and Kangaroos who aren’t that friendly…..I
    seriously think that you pay a price for this idyllic way of life. Love the
    show but would never be swayed in that direction.

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