24 thoughts on “State of Decay: How to Relocate/Change Your Base (Tutorial)

  1. IamArticune

    You should get the option later on in the game when one of your characters
    has enough ‘INFLUENCE’ If you are playing a character you hardly play, that
    character with barely any influence won’t be able to move the base. However
    later on, if you have a character that has lots of influence (I think it is
    about 200+) that character when you are inside the building you want to
    move to, you push down on the D-pad, like how you would call for
    scavengers, back up, cars etc.

  2. IamArticune

    You probably aren’t far enough into the game. I think you have to beat a
    mission with a guy where you go house browsing. After you complete that
    mission you should get the feature 🙂

  3. Jared Cook

    There is a warehouse in the town down the bottom the warehouse is on the
    fare left. There is four car spots and 8 build-able spots and you need 50
    building materials and 12 people. It’s the best spot I have ever used


    I found an big un near my base so i drowe over it a few times.
    I thought it was really hurt and attacked it. But ti grabbed me and kill me
    instantly. I was Ed and i miss him so ;(.
    (Sorry for bad english)

  5. Rickn'Roll

    I found the McReady’s Farm, it’s huge and has a lot of space and walls.
    It’s perfect, but whenever i try to settle there, my character says “Can’t
    do”. WHAT?

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