1. Cerrone Show

    @TheNinjaPicker haha! Exactly the reason why I make sure our place stays
    clean 🙂

  2. Ohio1TreasureHunter

    Just being in the reselling business no matter where the inventory comes
    from its still a challenge to keep the merchandise moving. It makes it even
    harder in this economy when people are picky about what they are buying.

  3. joeysixtysix

    I made a big donation to the local thrift shop last week..I was drowning in
    unsold stuff lol.

  4. TheMy77

    yeah, inventory storage can be hectic…..I might need to get a storage
    unit, but for now the garage is working……I worked in the back of a
    retail store and had to move in and out inventory all the time and it is
    just a matter of finding the space for the stuff and getting out the stuff
    that needs to go and can go. Again, great vids…..

  5. dreadnok320

    Its so true . When i 1st started buying and selling. Before i had a real
    plain. This happened to me. I had stuff every where. not keeping up on my
    posts and i love to hunt. What i mean is i love to buy. I love to sell to
    but the thrill of the hunt . You know.You need a plain you need a system.
    Great tips.

  6. Cerrone Show

    @dreadnok320 your absolutely correct, like you it took me a junked house to
    realize this. Luckily I did something about it right away and pressed

  7. Cerrone Show

    @TheMy77 Just remember when your garage doesn’t work for you anymore to
    have your inventory pay for your unit and not your personal funds… I will
    be posting a video on this later this week. Thanks for watching!

  8. Cerrone Show

    @joeysixtysix ha, I have been there before. Sometimes you just gotta cut
    your losses. Well actually as long as you get a donation receipt for your
    taxes then technically its not a loss!

  9. terminal99

    Thanks for the mention and the link! You’re right – you have to keep your
    eyes on the prize which is to make money. It’s easy to get lazy. Will

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