25 thoughts on “The Renovation (And Relocation) Of My Home Gym

  1. CorelDraw Tips

    does my plates need to be olympic size (bigger diameter). I ordered this
    home gym, but i am not sure if the standard weights (smaller diam) will be

  2. silverladderdotcom

    @alexisgalvez This system is compatible with both Olympic and standard
    plates. By default, all the places to put plates (such as the Smith bar and
    the pegs in the back that are part of the pulley system) are standard
    (smaller diameter). But the Marcy Diamond Elite comes with a number of
    adapters that are easy to put on the pegs/bar (and remove) using an Allen
    wrench. Those adapters allow you to use Olympic plates with this gym. Be
    forewarned: Assembly is DIFFICULT & requires two people.

  3. CorelDraw Tips

    Thank you fo your reply. The unit will be delivered tomorrow. I am excited.
    Thank you for the warning abot the assembly. I wil make sure to be careful
    with the pulley system.

  4. richyboy12

    been there mate, rippen up carpet lol! i threw down some rubber matting,
    check out mine…. 😉 but i have a vizla, not a boxer! 😉 really nice gym

  5. mississaugarider

    Hey Im curious wat ur opinion is of this gym. In particular how smooth the
    rolling action on the smith and pullies are. considering buying a used one.
    Also, on this machine is it possible to squat free weight. Can u raise the
    bar stop high enough to start squating upright.?

  6. silverladderdotcom

    @mississaugarider – The rolling action on the Smith portion is decent, but
    not great. It’s not bad at all, but certainly not on par with a higher-end
    Smith machine at a gym. But it is definitely functional. The pulleys all go
    to a pair of weight pegs in the back of the machine, which get raised up
    and down a pole that is actually square shaped. The design is odd. I had to
    put WD-40 on the pole to improve the action. It is still not as smooth as I
    would like.

  7. danielwormald

    hi is it true smith machines cause injury in the shoulders wen shoulder
    pressing and bench press etc, and fre weights build more muscle and do
    stabilizing muscles

  8. silverladderdotcom

    @danielwormald I don’t know of Smith machines causing injuries, no.
    However, I base most of my workouts around free weights for the exact
    reason that you specified: because they incorporate stabilizing muscles
    into the lifts. They are “real world” lifts. The only reason I use the
    Smith machine is to allow myself to go heavy without a spotter. I work out
    alone and don’t care to be stuck under a bar if a bench press comes to
    failure. I train dumbbells too, however.

  9. danielwormald

    @silverladderdotcom thanks for repy mate andadvice, i was goin to buy it
    but im sticking with my powertec olympic free wight bench, if u use barbel
    and dumbells then that will be enough for a great body, i just keep to 8 to
    12 reps then the sumer 15 to 20, this is the best workout to gain cut look,
    thanks dan

  10. XxXxMessengerxXxX

    Hey man, I got one of these on a great deal.. Can you PLEASE tell me how to
    use the lat bar on it? It has 2 uptop cables but none in the middle. What
    am I doing wrong?

  11. silverladderdotcom

    @XxXxMessengerxXxX It’s funny you just posted this comment. I literally
    just got done doing my back day workout about 10 minutes ago. Use the lat
    bar on one of the individual cable hooks at the top. That will place you
    diagonally off to the side of the machine. Center yourself on that hook,
    with the lat bar attached to it. Do the lat pulldowns as you would on a lat
    pulldown machine. Unfortunately there is no place to hook your legs into.
    Does this make sense? Let me know.

  12. MrRgarcia112

    How is the machine holding up? I’m looking into buying a home gym and
    wanted to buy the Impex Diamond Marcy Elite smith machine. Do u recommend
    it or u think I should look somewhere else? Thanks

  13. silverladderdotcom

    I just got done using it again prior to your comment. I still have it, and
    it still works, though it is showing some wear over time. Some of the cable
    pulleys (which are made of plastic) are starting to pit and show some wear
    from grinding against other surfaces. Also, the ball bearings inside the
    Smith bar guides are starting to drag a bit. The result of all of this is
    less fluid motion. After evaluating it for this long, I’d give the machine
    an overall grade of C+. Decent but not great.

  14. stevey626

    Getting a model similar to this i saw at walmart for 649 cant wait to build
    my gym i got a 1 car garage this would fit nicely

  15. Matthew Prentiss

    Great video. Great system too, I just purchased one. It’s so big that it’s
    in my garage. It was a floor model so two of us had to muscle it off of a
    pickup truck and carry it end to end into my garage. 

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