25 thoughts on “Strategic Relocation The Film FULL VERSION HQ – Alex Jones – Joel Skousen

  1. Malachite Storm

    I recommend any pepper survivalist type to watch this movie. It’s a very
    informative film, and should be watched at least once. I’m lucky to live in
    the only five star location. X-D

  2. FireEyedMaidOfWar

    Well, I am afraid that even if poor Joel has figured out the fancy New
    World Order plan of his banking masters correctly he fails to see the flaw
    in it, which is to provoke China and Russia into a nuclear first strike. A
    thing highly unlikely because if they are ignorant of this fancy plan they
    will not due so in fear of a massive counter-attack and if they are aware
    of this plan they will foil it all the more.
    But poor Joel is also wrong on the relationship between Russia and China:
    Because should the USA continue its peevish feud against Russia it will
    doomed Russia to be utterly subdued by China politically and economically
    over time; just like the USA did with poor England in World War 2 with its
    devious lend and lease aid.
    China has also witnessed the quick collapse of the Marxist Russian Empire
    in 1991 and will no doubt wait for a similar collapse of the liberal
    American Empire and compared to bankruptcy a nuclear strike is a rather
    poor choice when it comes to dismantling a military. So China will wait and
    if there are such secret weapons and underground bases the Chinese
    intelligence will detect them and avoid the trap. In the end the Chinese
    are likely to conquer the USA with special economic zones are they are
    setting up already in regions like Iowa and than know on the bunker doors
    and tell the former banking masters of the USA that their clever plan was
    While Joel has like most Americans real strange ideas about history as no
    nation got its sovereignty back after World War 2 but those occupied by the
    Russian became vassals to them and those occupied by the Americans became
    their vassals; and the USA did pocket a bunch of neutral countries like
    Sweden or Spain as well, while the former colonies were placed under the
    despotism of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

  3. Adam Chalmers

    Joel Skousen did not produce “Strategic Relocation” to discuss solutions to
    the major problems of the world. For those of you who are disappointed
    that he didn’t offer solutions, remember that type of subject matter is out
    of scope. He’s only discussing how to strategically prepare for natural
    and economic disasters. Nothing more, nothing less.

  4. Jade Mclove

    Frightening…I never thought what happened to my relatives whom became
    victims of the Holocaust could happen again, and now I’m realizing that it
    might. But if this is world wide where will you be safe? 

  5. Eye Toldyoosso

    listen to Alex Jones on new years eve 1999/2000 and you we hear why he is
    selling his soul to Israel ,,,Fear , Fear , Fear news makes lots of money

  6. Karieno Abel

    What if your a child who is under privileged with a family who is unaware,
    what do we do, people don’t want to hear us

  7. otruwarrioro

    too bad most of the good ideas proposed here leave out most of us working
    poor slaves. if you make 30,000 a year or less you can forget about any
    sort of real prepping.

  8. masti mast

    You are wrong on Arab srping. They are all fighting under one banner black
    flag. Look at 10 year history one after another western puppet dictetor
    falling Tunesia. Egypt.Lebanon Irak.Afghanistan. and many more. World power
    has been fighting Afghanistan for years and crumbling. It is Sad to see
    USA population is sleeping.Billions of money has been given to AIPAC to
    help Israel while USA population suffering.

  9. happyuk06

    Interesting guy. But what he says about everyone needing to piss off into
    the countryside I think is for the most part, unrealistic. Humanity
    overcomes its problems by working together, not by becoming lone wolves.

  10. americanrooster

    For important advice on how to prepare for the coming events go to
    “americanrooster” channel.

  11. LaQueeta Beneetha

    Fuck you Joel and Alex capitalizing on peoples fear if you are true
    patriots you would have released this film for free by now to help your
    fellow Americans but its obvious its al about the capital with you guys. 

  12. CoachPank53

    This is why I live (now) in beautiful Northern Arizona …not Flagstaff but
    Not to far from it 

  13. Numb Nest

    This film isn’t focused. It’s a lot of fluff and rehashing side issues. It
    could have been 30 mins long.

  14. dragdragon23

    I still don’t believe 9-11 was an inside job, But it was a perfect excuse
    for them to crush us and make us slaves!

  15. Genie Meadows

    New Zealand isn’t so close to Australia, it is 2,582 miles from some
    parts of Australia approximately, and close to 1600 nautical miles away.
    (James Cameron the movie director bought a lot of land in New Zealand
    evidently I was reading). Australia and New Zealand have American spy
    bases there too.

  16. Duane Dibbley

    New Zealand is the place to go if you can. A country the size of Britain
    but with only 4.4 million people. Even if you don’t like the some of the
    Socialism in NZ, we still have guns and plenty of space, with mountains and
    fresh rivers.

  17. darthvader5300

    1:52:47 to 1:53:22 Tennessee Cumberland Plateau area? Better re-create the
    ancient agricultural infra-technostructure around people in that area
    combined with the living machine principle of Professor Todd and the
    Biosphere principle in recycling everything that are agricultural and
    industrial in nature. Hemp which is the plant with 50,000 uses is the plant
    of choice, plus among many others as well.

  18. ism schism

    Joel Skoussen – World Affairs Brief
    “The Secure Home”
    problems: population density (no food, water, etc. Even good people panic)
    Wachovia banksters help launder Mexican drug money? Wells Fargo deal?
    laundered $378 Billion?!
    Rothschild lost the Daily Mail libel suit?
    Army manual declassified… “reeducation camps”
    People should ALREADY have their kids OUT of public schools?!
    1:44:37 That’s Natural News – is that still charging $1,000,000 per-read
    web page?
    Get healthy & stay out of the hospitals? But I thought hospitals were good
    New Jersey, Florida, Hawaii: rated zero!

  19. Al Frismar

    That is what happens when you consumed mind altering drugs for long time:
    you start to hallucinate….although in a quite “logical”
    ,credible…gullible way.

  20. Arc Force

    Start tossing nucs around??? Everyone’s gone including the bankster scum
    Rockefeller & Rothschild

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