2 thoughts on “Storage Unit Auction – 2 Over Priced Units of 5 that Sold


    you can thank all those tv shows for that. years ago i usually went to
    these auctions with $100 or so and always got at least one unit. ive doen
    maybe 50 and you dont find 1800 guns, you dont find gold bars, you very
    rarely find any antiques. i just did it for the fun of going through junk.
    tried getting back into it a few months ago… aint happened, units that
    should be going for $50 are now like 700. wtf

  2. UFunnyNow2

    2 years ago I bought 5 units for less than $500 and that included dump
    runs. Not sure how these people can continue to afford to buy these types
    of units. Most of these people would be better off going to the casino As
    well as stop watching these fake unrealistic shows.

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