10 thoughts on “People LIVING in .. WHAREHOUSE STORAGE UNITS .. USA June 24, 2012: Prediction Fulfilled

  1. HarvestArmy

    @top20modernrock Agreed. It begins with Jesus: Romans 8:39 Nor height, nor
    depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love
    of God, which is IN CHRIST JESUS our Lord.

  2. profaneoneohone

    I am so sick of this country getting jerked around by Wall Street and the
    Tea Party. May they all burn in hell.


    S&P, Wall Street, Washington, Oligarchys, IMF are all orchestrating this
    crisis in order to manage it by further extreme austerity measures and
    budget cuts to the lives of the people all in favor of the banks, ceo’s,
    corrupt politicians. This is why Lyndon Larouche explains the evil of
    monetarism. The mainstream media never talks about jobs which is what the
    people need. This system needs to be replaced. Now they will overhaul the
    tax code to service more debts. Banks will benefit. Lives lost.

  4. DemianHermann

    Without the truth, there can be no real morality, justice, equality,
    success, freedom, love, security, peace, spirituality or even survival. If
    you are seeking the truth, search “Truth Contest” in Google, then open The
    Present on the homepage and read what it says.

  5. Christ Will I Follow

    What are you not doing not listening to prophecy, it’s better, faster than
    the 10 o’ clock news, CNN news, any other news channel. Besides they tell
    you after it happens. Get in tuned to these prohecies when the Lord speaks.
    God doesn’t speak lies, but he reveals His secrets unto his servants.
    Thanks be to God that this man of God is hearing directly from the source,
    whick is Jesus Christ. This is what I call DIRECT CONNECTION PROPHECY

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