7 thoughts on “Operation Elephant Relocation

  1. Leila Smith

    Nice to see some good news about elephants. I loled when he said “mammoth
    task”, because elephants and mammoths are related. Similar but also
    different. As much as woolly mammoths were adapted for the cold, african
    elephants are adapted for the hot.

  2. Iheb Glenza

    The good efforts be thanked , but in another point , i can presume that
    this act of relocation have a negative influence toward those giant
    creatures and their natural environment .. am i wrong ?

  3. pandroidgaxie

    what do they do about the migration patterns that the matriarchs normally
    teach the calves/adolescents? or does the preserve limit them to a certain
    area well-supplied with foraging? And does the new location keep them from
    ravaging human farming, which is a genuine threat to both sides and makes
    it difficult for locals to see elephants as majestic creatures rather than
    nuisance “varmints”? 

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