25 thoughts on “Here’s Why Tesla Is Building Batteries for Your Home

  1. Pierre Larochelle

    But of course, the usual cabal, who owns all the nuclear industries, will
    still own the Tesla grid and then sell it back to us. This is no different
    from what we have now, except for perhaps the avoidance of another type of
    Fukushima radiation fallout. Tesla corporation is owned by the cabal.
    That’s obvious. Free energy is just that… FREE. Free from any control by
    corrupt corporations.

    The only free energy that we will have is that which we make ourselves,
    without the aid of those who are still controlling the corporations and the
    current energy grids.

  2. eGGzis10nce

    I picture penniless Indians on a beach, burning sulpher dioxide flames as
    piles of these batteries need to be disposed of. The toxic smoke clouds
    hide the sun, the children play in the demolished plastic cases “made in
    USA” a close up on one of the battery cases. The profits taken and spent,
    the consumer tricked again the planet coughing up even more phlegm than
    days gone by as 6 billion homes look to dispose, and the heavy duty ones
    musk invented for commerce industry, they explode and burst dross into the
    ocean, well done humans, well done sun, well done earth. Another trickster
    made some more cash. Hoodwinked again.

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