25 thoughts on “Dead Babies Found Inside Storage Unit

  1. theredman10

    wait what is the difference with a dead baby and a dead grownup or a child
    .A life is a life ,it dont matter about how old they are

  2. Terry Miles

    Wow this is probably one of the sickest things I ever heard of..They had to
    be dead before hand or else someone would have heard them crying..Watch it
    be some sick asshole that has a few girls held captive and once they give
    birth he just kills it and stores them…insane!!!

  3. Derrick mcivor

    My city has the worst Highest death rate and that’s a fact. Winnipeg sucks
    even the sports teams. I hate I wished I moved to Vancouver. 

  4. Bigby Wolf

    Oh thank god, they didn’t say it was Satanism. I agree it could be a
    ritual, but if you do your research no true satanists would do this.
    Surprise: One of the main rules is to not harm young children. 

  5. Daniel Sullivan

    Sandra come on (“is this some kind of cultural religious cult some kind of
    belief to keep dead babies”). not your finest journalism. I’d be b pissed
    at editor for not cutting half of your analysis out if i were you

  6. Keri Nyx

    Wow… I hope the babies died naturally. It’s still disturbing that anyone
    would want to keep baby corpses but less tragic than a baby murderer. :(

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